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BIG SEE Architecture Awards 2023

We are superdelighted to announce Bjørnådal Arkitektstudio wins a double in the Big See Architecture Awards 2023. Our projects Cabin Senja & Community Landscape have received the highest score after being evaluated by a jury consisting of high profile architects such as Einar Jarmund, Bas Ten Bringe, Juergen Mayer H. , Jean-Jacques Hubert, Anssi Lassila, Kentaro Takeguchi, Hervé Potin, Paul Robbrecht, Fernando Rodriguez, Amin Taha and José Martinez Silva.

BIG SEE Awards were launched as regional awards to systematically explore and promote the creative and business potential of Southeast Europe. With the ambition of connecting creativity beyond regional boundaries, they have outgrown regional frameworks and become international. Nowadays BIG SEE Awards contribute to unique and original creative achievements in architecture, interior, product and fashion design globally.

The award giving will take place at the Big Architecture 2023 at May 19 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia



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