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A reliable collaboration partner

Updated: Dec 12, 2023

We aim to be a reliable collaboration partner, and therefore we have joined industry organizations such as Arkitektbedriftene, StartBank, Sentral Godkjenning, and the law firm Kluge.

Arkitektbedriftene in Norway is an organization for offices with practicing architects, landscape architects, and interior architects. They provide tools and work with framework conditions. On behalf of its member companies, they aim to be a clear, engaged, and credible voice in the construction industry and in public discourse.

The StartBANK network allows suppliers to compete on equal terms and contributes to the use of serious companies. This creates new business opportunities for suppliers and reduces risk for procurement organizations.

Sentral Godkjenning is a voluntary scheme that describes professional competence, quality assurance routines, and that the enterprise has paid taxes and duties.

CMS Kluge is a full-service business law firm, with offices in Oslo, Stavanger, and Bergen. Kluge is a preferred advisor and discussion partner for many of the most central players in Norwegian business, and has a solid international network.


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